domingo, 3 de febrero de 2008

Theon & Cat. Or he's saying I owe you one - and not in a good way.

Tal como hemos leído: "A Lannister always pays his debts."
"Un Lannister siempre paga sus deudas".

¿Es Theon simplemente un traidor o podría haber atenuantes?

Tears of Lys. Oct 24 2006, 16.04
"[QUOTE, Guardsman Bass, Oct 24 2006, 14.49
5. Theon's strange statement. He says, "My lady, if it comes to that [armed conflict], my House owes yours a great debt." (pg. 114) This made me wonder if Theon is already trying to position himself to be sent home to Pyke to seek help, or something else. Then again, it may simply be Theon trying to reinforce his loyalty to the Starks with words.]

Or he's saying I owe you one - and not in a good way. Maybe that's what you meant by the "something else." I know on the reread, those words kind of jump out at you. :( "

Barba, Oct 24 2006, 17.35
Theon says: "My house owns yours a great debt". It can be reffered as: "you raised me in a man I became, and I am Grateful. I owe you", and as:"You took me away from my home, you SoB. I owe you". It turns out it was the latter thing.
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