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Etiquetas: curiosidades, GRRM
A mob of men followed him up the slope, dirty and dented and grinning, with Theon and the Greatjon at their head. Between them they dragged Ser Jaime Lannister. They threw him down in front of her horse. "The Kingslayer," Hal announced, unnecessarily.AGoT, Catelyn X
Lannister raised his head. "Lady Stark," he said from his knees. Blood ran down one cheek from a gash across his scalp, but the pale light of dawn had put the glint of gold back in his hair. "I would offer you my sword, but I seem to have mislaid it."
—Lady Stark —dijo Lannister de rodillas alzando la cabeza. La sangre que manaba de un corte en el cuero cabelludo le corría por la mejilla, pero la escasa luz del amanecer volvía a dar un matiz dorado a su pelo—. Os ofrecería mi espada, pero la he extraviado.JdT, Catelyn X
"No one can fault Lannister on his courage," Glover said. "When he saw that he was lost, he rallied his retainers and fought his way up the valley, hoping to reach Lord Robb and cut him down. And almost did."AGoT, Catelyn X
"He mislaid his sword in Eddard Karstark's neck, after he took Torrhen's hand off and split Daryn Hornwood's skull open," Robb said. "All the time he was shouting for me. If they hadn't tried to stop him-"
—Nadie podrá decir que a Lannister le falta valor —dijo Glover—. Cuando vio que la derrota era inminente, se adelantó a todos sus hombres y trató de llegar hasta Robb para matarlo. Estuvo a punto de conseguirlo.JdT, Catelyn X
—«Extravió» su espada en el cuello de Eddard Karstark —dijo Robb—, después de cortarle la mano a Torrhen y abrirle el cráneo a Daryn Hornwood. Todo eso sin dejar de llamarme a gritos. Si no hubieran intentado detenerlo...
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